Career and Technical Education

Mission and Goal
The mission of North Carolina Secondary Career and Technical Education is to empower all students to be successful citizens, workers and leaders in a global economy.
Our goal is to offer programs that are designed to contribute to the broad educational achievement of students including basic skills such as reading, writing, mathematics, and science.
CTE is also designed to develop students' ability to work independently, as part of a team, think creatively, solve problems, and utilize technology.
It is the policy of Clinton City Schools' Career and Technical Education Department not to discriminate in its admission requirements, educational programs, activities or employment policies in regard to sex, race, color, national origin, creed, or disability.
Es la política de Profesional y Técnica del Departamento de Educación Clinton City Schools 'no discriminar en sus requisitos de admisión, programas educativos, actividades o políticas de empleo en relación con el sexo, la raza, color, nacionalidad, credo o discapacidad.