School Counseling

Mission Statement:
The Counseling Department is committed to making a difference by providing students with social and emotional support for achieving academic and career goals as citizens with strong character. We strive to provide a comprehensive developmental counseling program by collaborating the efforts of schools, families and communities to help meet the needs of our youth today.
Vision Statement:
The vision of the Sampson Middle School Counseling Department is to collaborate with all stakeholders, including parents, educators, and community members, to strengthen students' abilities for developing globally competitive skills. The school counseling program will also include advocating for students' academic achievement as they develop leadership skills, career awareness, and insight for higher education.
Academic Honors
Community Service
Educational Links
Para Los Padres
Parent Links
Tweens/Teens Managing Life
Enrollment Information
Only the legal parent/guardian of student may enroll. Items needed for enrollment include:
Birth Certificate
Parent ID with Parent picture and name
Shot Record (Immunizations)
Any Applicable custodial information (if student is not residing with biological parent(s))
Proof of residency (lease, electric bill, water bill, or home phone line – cell phone bills not acceptable)
You contact a guidance counselor to receive enrollment forms.
School Counselor's Role
School Counselors guide students towards self-awareness, success with interpersonal relationships, emotional and social development, and achievement in educational and vocational experiences. Counseling services include:
Individual counseling
Small group counseling
Parent and teacher consultation
Monthly classroom-wide counseling lessons
Provision of counseling department sponsored special activities and events
Referrals to outside agencies
Crisis counseling
Katrina Boykin: 7th and 8th Grade cumulative records and attendance:
Student of the Month
Pupil Accounting
Alternative School
Stacee Carr: 6th Grade cumulative records and attendance
Character Education
Pupil Accounting
Section 504 Plan
LEP Support
Students are referred for counseling services by self, teacher or parent. Teacher referrals require completing a counseling referral form and submitting it to the counseling department. The counselor will then send a request to the teacher to visit with the student. Self-referrals only require permission for the student to leave the classroom at the time for counseling.